Monday, September 20, 2010

Random thoughts...

Okay so I had a thought, and I swear I've NEVER done drugs, but I thought I'd find a place to put my random and sometimes strange thoughts. This is where blogspot comes in. Okay first couple of thoughts:

1. Why hasn't anyone tried tape worms as the new weight loss "miracle". I mean people have lost weight with these for YEARS and they relatively harmless while using you as a host. Why don't we capsule these mini monsters and market them to Hollywood as the lastest fad?! I mean let's stop spending billions on lypo and invest in worms!

2. Why is it that the Girl Scout sell their devilish cookies that we fall sucker for everytime one of those girls approaches us after we leave the grocery store?! I mean it's unfair that the Boy Scouts only sell crap like popcorn in a "collective tin can"! I mean really! Is it because Boy Scouts get to do all the other cool stuff like real camping, canoeing, shooting etc.?! But the cookies that they know are tempting to every living breathing creature. Why would these girls to those boys?! Instead, why dont the Boy Scouts sell something that's popular yet VERY usable, like MRE's (meals ready to eat)! These are not only functional but you can NEVER have too many! Just a thought!